Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Church and Jesus

After recently becoming a full-time paid minister and going to all the church activities and working eight hours a day, five days a week (on a non-busy week) at the church, it occurred to me that my whole life was centered around church. I lived and breathed church. Many times I would be sitting in my office at church, late at night chatting online and people would ask me, "why are you still at church?" Aside from the fact that I don't have an internet connection at my home, the only response I could muster up was that I pretty much lived at the church. The couch sitting in my office would testify to the number of times I've dozed off on it after a church activity.
To add to this obecession of church, I was at a Blockbuster video store recently trying to hunt down a dvd to show to the youth group when the conversation with the cashier turned from the dvd to church. It was a typical story of someone losing contact with the church she had attended and the guilt that comes from the confession that she should get back into the routine. I very politely told her about the church I attended, and invited her to come visit us anytime.
My life, as a minister, being centered around the church and my conversation with this young lady have something in common. Neither of them make any mention of Jesus. I may live and breathe church, but if I don't live and breathe Jesus I'll wind up the very same as the rest of the world who chooses to deny Jesus and his life giving power through the cross. My conversation with the Blockbuster cashier was not a bad one, and who knows, she may show up at the church one day, but the conversation might have been a lot more fruitful if I had chosen to ask her about her relationship with Jesus without a church family to help her with her walk, instead of using the church as a fix all for the problems in her life. I must be careful to not put too much stress on the importance of being at church, and put more stress on the importance of having a relationship with Jesus. If I focus on the church, then I will start to do church things, which is ok, but the church isn't a perfect model of who a person should be. On the other hand, if I focus on Jesus, then I will start to do Godly things, and I can be sure of their perfection.


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