Dry Mouth?
A couple weeks ago the church got a delivery of a couple hundred empty coin collecting cans to hand out to the members of the church. The idea is to take the empty can and put all the spare change you get throughtout the day, and when it becomes full the church will ship it off to Ukraine so a poor family over there can have a decent dinner for Christmas. I took a can and put it in my office thinking I would see it most often there and be reminded to put my change in it. Just outside my office door is a Pepsi machine, which gives 20oz. bottles of Pepsi for 75¢ (a very good price). Now I'm sure you see the struggle that ensues. Of course I understand that there is a family in Ukraine that has no money and is in need of it, but perhaps I am in the wrong profession, because I can rationalize practically anything, making it okay for me to get the desired result (a nice cold Pepsi).
On Wednesday nights, the praise team practices in my office an hour before Wednesday night classes start, so I often join them. Now when you sing a lot, sometimes your mouth gets dry and you need some water...guess what, the Pepsi machine is right there! If I am singing praise to God, and in the process am developing a gift that God has given me (my singing voice), and my mouth gets dry...am I going to put that 75¢ that was change from my lunch into the can for the Ukrainian families, or am I going to buy a water from the machine?
Why do I have to rationalize the result I want when I know the right answer already? Why do I have to sell myself the idea that both ways are benefiting the Kingdom of God in some way? In fact, sometimes I wonder if selling things is what Christians are in the business of doing. Do we think that we have to rationalize and justify our belief in Jesus to the rest of the world as if we are buying a Pepsi instead of putting change in the can? No! What we have in Jesus' sacrifice needs no justification. Proclaim the name of Jesus because you have seen Him work in you, don't fumble around for justification as if what you believe in isn't real or true. If we are proud that we are wearing the name of Jesus then we will stop trying to sell or rationalize Jesus to the world and start sharing with pride. Let Jesus do the convicting and we will boast in Him. My can will be full for Christmas...