Thursday, November 09, 2006

Dreams of Paper Cutters

If you have been in the church office lately, you may have noticed that we bought a new paper cutter. This was the result of many petitions and complaints by me throughout the year. Anytime I had to do any cutting I would drop a hint around the office to make sure everyone knew the grief the cutter was causing me with its dull blade and ancient ruling system. One day while trying to blindly line up some pencil marks with the blade of the cutter I came up with a brilliant idea. If you could somehow put a laser line down the length of the blade, it would be so much easier to line up my pencil marks with the blade. I didn't know, in fact, if something like that even existed, but my complaints soon changed to the need for a new sharp paper cutter with a laser sight. One day, about a month ago, a few of us were looking at the church's budget and found some extra money (an amazing feat in itself!). The very next week there was a brand new, sharp paper cutter with a laser sight sitting on the counter in the office. Oh the joy that floods my soul! I have since found many a reason to use the cutter and it never disappoints.

I thought my dream of a paper cutter with a laser sight was grander than anyone had ever dreamed about paper cutters. After all, how many people dream about paper cutters? But, as usual, the industry was one step ahead of me. In the same way, God is always one step (or more) ahead of our own hopes and dreams. You may think that you have the biggest and best plan for your life, but God would beg to differ. The plans that God has, not for humanity, but for you individually, are far greater than even your own plans. You may think that what you have planned is awesome, but wait for God's plan to unravel! You will not be disappointed. Look at Moses' plan for himself, as opposed to God's plan for Moses. Spend your life in hiding in Midian after killing an Egyptian, or become the leader of the Israelites? God's plan seems to have a better ring to it, don't you think? I don't suppose God has planned for all of us to become leaders of nations, but if you think you dream big, then wake up and have a taste of what God has planned. Its the best part of waking up. I would even suggest dreaming as big as you can, don't hold back, because when you realize that God's plan is even better than your biggest dream, there is no one to give credit to except him. Dream your dream, and then follow God's lead. Perhaps there will be something waiting to surprise you on the counter in the office.


At 8:23 PM, Blogger Brian said...

I too dream of such things.

Welcome back to the world of blogging.


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